Using language resources in an intelligent tutoring system for French

Chadia Moghrabi
1998 Proceedings of the 36th annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics -  
This paper presents a project that investigates to what extent computational linguistic methods and tools used at GETA for machine translation can be used to implement novel functionalities in intelligent computer assisted language learning. Our intelligent tutoring system project is still in its early phases. The learner module is based on an empirical study of French as used by Acadian elementary students living in New-Brunswick, Canada. Additionally, we are studying the state of the art of
more » ... stems using Artificial Intelligence techniques as well as NLP resources and/or methodologies for teaching language, especially for bilingual and minority groups.
doi:10.3115/980691.980715 dblp:conf/acl/Moghrabi98 fatcat:g6sat6tfbvd37f5kchf7duxft4