Open-Source, Low-Cost, In-Situ Turbidity Sensor for River Network Monitoring [post]

Jessica Droujko, Peter Molnar
2021 unpublished
Fine sediment transport in rivers is important for catchment nutrient fluxes, global biogeochemical cycles, water quality and pollution in riverine, coastal and marine ecosystems. Monitoring of suspended sediment in rivers with current sensors is challenging and expensive and most monitoring setups are restricted to few single site measurements. To better understand the spatial heterogeneity of fine sediment sources and transport in river networks there is a need for new smart water turbidity
more » ... nsing that is multi-site, accurate and affordable. In this work, we have created such a sensor, which detects scattered light from an LED source using two detectors in a control volume, and can be placed in a river. We compare several replicates of our sensor to different commercial turbidity probes in a mixing tank experiment using two sediment types over a wide range of typical concentrations observed in rivers. Our results show that we can achieve precise and reproducible turbidity measurements in the 0-4000 NTU or 0-16g/L range. Our sensor can also be used directly as a suspended sediment sensor and bypass an unnecessary calibration to Formazin. The developed turbidity sensor is much cheaper than existing options of comparable quality and is especially intended for distributed sensing across river networks.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:khc34n4cgvelffxg2vp2hdvlde