On asymptotic symmetries in higher dimensions for any spin

Andrea Campoleoni, Dario Francia, Carlo Heissenberg
2020 Journal of High Energy Physics  
We investigate asymptotic symmetries in flat backgrounds of dimension higher than or equal to four. For spin two we provide the counterpart of the extended BMS transformations found by Campiglia and Laddha in four-dimensional Minkowski space. We then identify higher-spin supertranslations and generalised superrotations in any dimension. These symmetries are in one-to-one correspondence with spin-s partially-massless representations on the celestial sphere, with supertranslations corresponding
more » ... particular to the representations with maximal depth. We discuss the definition of the corresponding asymptotic charges and we exploit the supertranslational ones in order to prove the link with Weinberg's soft theorem in even dimensions.
doi:10.1007/jhep12(2020)129 fatcat:uhmvdhkcwzbtxfb2k7wg5a33wi