Outcomes of Repeated Exposure of the Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to Cyanobacteria Extract

M. Palíková, S. Navrátil, R. Krejčí, F. Štěrba, F. Tichý, L. Kubala, B. Maršálek, L. Bláha
2004 Acta Veterinaria Brno  
Palíková M., S. Navrátil, R. Krejãí, F. ·tûrba, F. Tich˘, L. Kubala, B. Mar‰álek, L. Bláha: Outcomes of Repeated Exposure of the Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to Cyanobacteria Extract. Acta Vet. Brno 2004, 73: 259-265. Cyanotoxins produced by blue-green algae and released into the water environment represent a serious problem influencing the health status of various organisms. In human and veterinary medicine, cases of health impairment or poisoning due to water blooms of blue-green algae or their
more » ... oxic products have been reported (Falconer 1989; Carmichael 1992; Rodger et al. 1994) .
doi:10.2754/avb200473020259 fatcat:6ybxpi343ze57madak4agzt4s4