Posterior maxillary ridge augmentation with sinus lift using Mineralized Plasmatic Matrix versus Autogenous Bone Graft

Refaat Abou-Ellill, Ragia Ismail, Ahmed El-Sharkawy
2021 Egyptian dental journal  
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of augmentation using mineralized plasmatic matrix versus autogenous bone graft on bone formation and implant stability. Methodology: Twenty Implants were inserted in the maxillary premolar and molar region after augmentation of 8 maxillary sinuses in 6 patients, divided into 2 groups, study group received MPM as a graft, while the control group received autogenous particulate bone. Results: There was no statistically significant difference
more » ... ween both groups regarding implant stability immediately after implant insertion; however, after 5-month stability in the study group was statistically significantly higher than the control group. The mean change in bone height after 4 months in the study group was statistically significantly higher than in the control group. Conclusion: The use of MPM in osseous regeneration and implant therapy has a positive impact on the outcome of the grafting surgery when used for open sinus lifting.
doi:10.21608/edj.2021.64218.1518 fatcat:6zj5ut6sbffr7lfv56mwottxty