On the shape of bistable creased strips

Martin Walker, Keith Seffen, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository
We investigate the bistable behaviour of folded thin strips bent along their central crease. Making use of a simple Gauss mapping, we describe the kinematics of a hinge and facet model, which forms a discrete version of the bistable creased strip. The Gauss mapping technique is then generalised for an arbitrary number of hinge lines, which become the generators of a developable surface as the number becomes large. Predictions made for both the discrete model and the creased strip match
more » ... tal results well. This study will contribute to the understanding of shell damage mechanisms; bistable creased strips may also be used in novel multistable systems.
doi:10.17863/cam.20850 fatcat:6rjf4px2nzfrrjxhhlsilf4fye