21aEC-9 電気二重層を含む各種方法でキャリアドープしたナノチューブ薄膜の磁化・電気特性(21aEC ナノチューブ(構造・物性),領域7(分子性固体・有機導体))
21aEC-9 Physical properties of carbon-nanotube thin films with carrier doping by some methods including electric-double-layered gate

Y. Nakamura, S. Satomi, S. Kamikawa, Y. Yagi, J. Haruyama, K. Fujita, Y. Kato, Y. Hashimoto, S. Katsumoto, Y. Iye, T. Thurakitseree, S. Maruyama (+1 others)
2012 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan (Nihon Butsuri Gakkai koen gaiyoshu)  
doi:10.11316/jpsgaiyo. fatcat:enthr4rjkfdirau7qcfgiquyf4