Star Physics and Measurement Data

Boris V. Vasiliev
2018 Journal of Modern Physics  
The explanation of dependencies of the parameters of the stars and the Sun which was measured by astronomers is considered as a main task of the physics of stars. This theory is based on taking into account of the existence of a gravityinduced electric polarization of intra-stellar plasma because this plasma is an electrically polarized substance. The accounting of the gravity-induced electric polarization gives the explanation to data of astronomical measurements: the
more » ... inosity relations, the spectra of seismic oscillations of the Sun, distribution of stars on their masses, magnetic fields of stars and etc. The stellar radiuses, masses and temperatures are expressed by the corresponding ratios of the fundamental constants, and individuality of stars are determined by two parameters -by the charge and mass numbers of nuclei, from which a stellar plasma is composed. This theory is the lack of a collapse in the final stage of the star development, as well as "black holes" that could be results from a such collapse.
doi:10.4236/jmp.2018.910120 fatcat:4ou4z3ie7nbnfcfx5ihcvzu3um