Heavy flavour mass corrections to the longitudinal and transverse cross sections in e+e−-collisions

V. Ravindran, W.L. van Neerven
1998 Physics Letters B  
The sentence, 7th line below Eq. (28), starting with "Further we exclude all interference terms ...." is wrong and has been corrected. Eq. (33) : f_k^l,(i) -> h_k^l,(i) i=0,1 Second line below Eq. (33) m_bar(m)=m is replaced by m_bar(μ_0)=μ_0 with μ_0=4.10 GeV and μ_0=166.1 GeV for bottom and top respectively. The numbers in the third column of tables 1 and 2 are a little bit changed.
doi:10.1016/s0370-2693(98)01441-5 fatcat:zwb5tizmzvaihmmbx3keibxyji