Characterization and Taxonomic Classification of Soils under a Toposequence Located at North-Eastern Ghat Agro-Climatic Zone of Odisha, India

Tupaki Lokya, Antaryami Mishra, Subhashis Saren
2022 International Journal of Plant & Soil Science  
The present investigation was carried out to study the characterization and Taxonomy classification of soils under a Toposequence located at North-Eastern Ghat Agro-Climatic zone of Odisha, India. Three representative pedons of the Nayagarh district located in different topographic positions of upland (pedon 1), medium land (pedon 2) and low land (pedon 3) respectively were studied for their morphology, physico-chemical characteristics and taxonomic classification. Results show that the bulk
more » ... sity and particle density found with higher values in the lower horizon and lower values in the upper horizon. Total porosity values found to be higher in upper horizons and lower in the lower most horizons. The soil pH found to gradually increase with increasing depth in all three pedons. The OC content decreasing along with depth in all the pedons. In pedon 2 and 3, fully developed genetic horizons with distinct sub-horizons within the B horizon. However, in pedon 1, no such horizons are developed. The clay content increases in pedon 2 and 3 from upper sub-horizon to the lower sub horizon of B horizon with increasing depth which could be due to the process of illuviation of clay and development of argillic horizon (Bt). Pedon 1, are classified under order Entisols; while that of pedon 2 and 3 under soil order of Alfisols. Pedon 1, are classified under sub order Orthents, great group Ustorthents and sub group Typic Ustorthents; while that of pedon 2 and 3 are classified under sub order Ustalfs, great group Haplustalfs and sub group Udic Haplustalfs.
doi:10.9734/ijpss/2022/v34i530870 fatcat:hshfqoni7vey7oocxwzm23fx5i