THU0576 Cardiovascular risk in long-term juvenile idiopathic arthritis

I. Aranda-Valera, I. Arias de la Rosa, R. Roldan Molina, C. Ábalos-Aguilera, C. Pérez-Sánchez, A. Escudero, R. López-Pedrera, E. Collantes-Estévez, N. Barbarroja
2018 THURSDAY, 14 JUNE 2018   unpublished
Results: A total of 3975 courses of biologics with a total exposure of 7592 PY were identified with Etanercept (5376PY) followed by Adalimumab (1334PY), Tocilizumab (435PY), Abatacept (109PY), Infliximab (99PY), Anakinra (96 PY), Canakinumab (71PY) and Golimumab (67PY). Differences in JIA category distribution and concomitant treatment were noted. A total of 3586 AE (47.2/100PY), 461 (6.1) SAE and 629 (8.3) AESI were reported. The most common AESI were uveitis (194 (2.6)) followed by medically
more » ... mportant infections (155 (2.0)), cytopenias (62 (0.8)), hepatic events 39 (0.5), anaphylaxis (28 (0.4))), other autoimmunopathies (25 (0.3)), chronic inflammatory bowel disease (23 (0.3)), depression (17 (0.2)), macrophage activation syndrome (12 (0.2)), malignancies (8 (0.
doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-eular.6254 fatcat:ogblrfoxa5bdtiojyzkpfxe454