A Fuzzy Colour Image Segmentation Applied to Robot Vision [chapter]

J. Chamorro-Martínez, D. Sánchez, B. Prados-Suárez
2003 Advances in Soft Computing  
In this paper, a new growing region algorithm to segment colour images is proposed. A region is defined as a fuzzy subset of connected pixels and it is constructed using topographic and colour information. To guide the growing region process, a distance defined in the HSI colour space is proposed. This distance is used both to select the pixels which will be linked in each step of the algorithm, and to calculate membership degree of each point to each region. The proposed technique is applied
more » ... vision-guided robot navigation with the aim of detecting doors in indoor environments.
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-3744-3_13 fatcat:qwmqluqrz5ejnj4xmhe7xjbnn4