An Analysis of Threats to Marine Biodiversity and Aquatic Ecosystems

Sidharta Chatterjee
2017 Social Science Research Network  
Marine ecosystems and aquatic habitats face a number of threats from humans. Serious conservation attention and eorts should be drawn and directed towards restoration of fragmented marine habitats and estuarine ecosystems. Threats are manifold: i.e., primarily from overexploitation of marine resources, overshing, climate warming, sewage disposal, industrial chemical discharge, oil spills, invasive species, and dredging. The Corals are particularly fragile animals and very sensitive to changes
more » ... temperature and salinity. Coral reefs are coastal habitats build by corals that are also one of the most productive habitats within the marine ecosystems, but they are however, at great danger of going extinct from any drastic changes in sea surface temperature and salinity. Ecosystem services provided by coastal areas helps to sustain coastal people whose livelihood depends on shing and sh products, aquaculture and exploitation of biologically diverse resources that the seas and the oceans provide them. For this reason, it is essential to monitor marine biodiversity and prevent further degradation of marine habitats. This paper attempts to address this critical issue to stimulate conservation eorts among policy makers and ecologists. Besides, it is also relevant to understand how ecosystem gets degraded, and what measures are best and should be undertaken to prevent further degradation of marine habitats.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2964468 fatcat:tjlsqyaberfx7pw6gkatb2kwk4