Numerical investigation of lost circulation and fracture resistance enhancement mechanism [article]

Peidong Zhao
at Austin. My education and research experiences were outstanding, and I owe thanks to professors and staff members for their technical training and administrative support. I would like to thank all my colleagues in the research group for their assistance. Special thanks go to Dr. Yongcun Feng for his helpful guidance on the topic of lost circulation. I would like to mention Mahdi Haddad, Hanyi Wang, and Haotian Wang for their knowledge sharing on fracture modeling. I would like to extend my
more » ... titude to all my dear friends for their company since beginning this work. I genuinely acknowledge the Wider Windows Industrial Affiliate Program within the University of Texas at Austin for financial and logistical support of this work. Project support and technical discussions with industrial colleagues from Wider Windows sponsors are gratefully acknowledged, including BHP Billiton, British Petroleum,
doi:10.15781/t2445j01p fatcat:msyummnxkzbyvppwysxq37fhry