Patient Characteristics and Pre-Existing Chronic Diseases with COVID-19 Related Outcomes: A Real-World Experience

Hua Zhao
2020 Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research  
First, in the univariate analysis, we found that patients who were older (age 51-80), Black, male, and had pre-existing chronic diseases (e.g. obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney diseases (CKD)) had increased risk ratio (RR) of exhibiting severe outcomes, including increased C-reactive protein (CRP), decreased oxygen saturation, hospitalization, use of ventilator, and ultimately death. Next, we applied propensity score matching to match the patients based on their
more » ... . We found that patients who were older, Black, male, and diagnosed with CKD had 3.69, 1.77, 1.75, and 1,61-fold increased RR of death. On the other hand, while obesity, diabetes, and hypertension had no direct relationship with death, they were associated with other severe outcomes. In further analysis by including CRP as a matching variable, death disparity by age group, race, gender, and CKD was reduced, particularly for race and CKD where a significant disparity was no longer observed.
doi:10.26717/bjstr.2020.31.005098 fatcat:7n6ffbxhnzezjhbugpfye4usnu