A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2020

Friedrich Jung, Philippe Connes, Christian Lehmann
2021 Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation  
First of all, the editorial team wish to thank all authors for their valuable contributions in 2020. A 19 group of three editors was elected by the editorial board to select the best paper in a multistep process. 20 The criteria for Prize selection included: originality and innovation, theoretical contribution, clarity of 21 writing and presentation, and expected impact. In the first step, each of the three editors listed the 10 22 best papers separately. From these 30 papers the Prize
more » ... looked for manuscripts which have 23 been nominated independently by more than one editor (second step). This was the case for 6 out of 24 the 30 papers. Out of these 6 papers each editor chose what he considered the best three papers and 25 allocated 5 points to the best of the three, 3 points to the second best and 1 point to the third (third step). 26 The total points were added for each paper, thus allowing the papers to be ranked. The highest-ranked
doi:10.3233/ch-219001 pmid:33720877 fatcat:wq65rm5axrfmjitblxrc7z3ala