Psychoeducational assessment of students with intellectual disability: professional-action framework analysis

Antonio M Amor González, Miguel A Verdugo Alonso, Mª I Calvo Álvarez, Patricia Navas Macho, Virginia Aguayo Romero
2018 Psicothema  
The right to educational inclusion for students with intellectual disability (SWID) requires the development of good assessment and intervention practices from holistic perspectives not exclusively focused on the academic limitations that SWID may present. These practices are settled in Spain, via regulations drawn up by each Autonomous Community (AC). The variety of existing regulations demands a critical review of the decisions taken to promote the inclusion of those students. current
more » ... ons-in-force in each AC that regulate attention to diversity (AD) have been were analyzed by using a checklist that includes the variables that defining each stage of the AD process and the ways of providing supports that favor the development, learning and participation of SWID. attention to diversity measures in each AC emphasize organizational and curricular issues, with no AC following holistic approaches in both assessment and intervention, but rather neglecting self-determination and the promotion of quality of life for SWID. guidelines for the development of new legal frameworks and professional practices based on the latest evidence-based models of attention to SWID and on the results are discussed.
doi:10.7334/psicothema2017.175 pmid:29363469 fatcat:b4dcnsluune3rj63rcmqsdj4sm