Toward a Multisystemic Resilience Framework for Migrant Youth [chapter]

Qiaobing Wu, Ying Ou
2021 Multisystemic Resilience  
This chapter proposes an integrative framework to understand the resilience of youth in the context of migration. It first refines the concept of resilience and provides a definition particularly for this population—a process toward positive adaptation and development despite the challenging environmental changes and life transitions that occur during migration. Considering that this process is influenced by various factors embedded in multiple systems, the authors propose a Multisystemic
more » ... ence Framework for migrant youth that uses the photosynthesis of green plants as an analogy to demonstrate in a leaf-shaped figure the dynamic process of resilience shaped by three interactive systems: intrapersonal microsystem, interpersonal mesosystem, and institutional macrosystem. Migrant youths are positioned as active agents in the center who mobilize resources from and facilitate interactions across multiple systems. The chapter concludes by illustrating the complex interplay between systems in the framework and discussing potential implications for research, policy, and practice.
doi:10.1093/oso/9780190095888.003.0021 fatcat:lgzpxxwsk5e4zftvodqo56pk64