On the robustness analysis of triangular nonlinear systems: iISS and practical stability

Antoine Chaillet, Antonio Loria
2009 2009 6th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices  
This note synthesizes recent results obtained by the authors on the stability and robustness analysis of cascaded systems. It focuses on two properties of interest when dealing with perturbed systems, namely integral input-tostate stability and practical stability. We present sufficient conditions for which each of these notions is preserved under cascade interconnection. The obtained conditions are of a structural nature, which makes their use particularly easy in practice. Index
more » ... y and robustness analysis, nonlinear systems, interconnected dynamical systems, cascades.
doi:10.1109/ssd.2009.4956704 fatcat:alavauw23nhyxepqfvhhsdsxsa