Assessment of knowledge regarding diet among hospitalized patients undergoing treatment for chronic ailments in a tertiary care hospital from Hyderabad

Varun Vijay Gaiki, Venkartamana K. Sonkar, Ramesh Butta
2021 International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health  
Nutrition plays important tole in the health, and specially in chronic diseases. It plays important role in all levels if prevention. Thus awareness of patients, suffering from chronic diseases is important in view of secondary and tertiary levels of prevention.Methods: The present cross sections study was carried out with 20 question predesigned and tested questionnaire, in patients admitted to hospital for chronic diases with stay more than 15 days. Scores were calculated from the
more » ... e administered and results compared.Results: it was observed that awareness of patients about diet in chronic conditions was not adequate. Average scores on the 40-point questionnaire scale was 13.34, with SD±2.23. It was observed that awareness increased as education, socio economic status increases.Conclusions: It is recommended to have special nutritional counselling sessions for patients.
doi:10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20211219 fatcat:fbcrrhhzzzcxrnxa5gbgme6ya4