New Method to Identify Field Joint Coating Failures Based on MFL In-Line Inspection Signals

Lianshuang Dai, Ting Wang, Caiyan Deng, Qingshan Feng, Dongpo Wang
2018 Coatings  
Above ground indirect detections and random excavations that have applied the past years for buried long distance oil and gas pipelines can only identify some damaged coating locations. Hence, large number of field joint coating (FJC) failures happen unconsciously until they lead to failures of the pipelines. Based on the analysis of magnetic flux leakage (MFL) in-line inspection (ILI) signals, combined with the statistical results of 414 excavations from two different pipeline sections, a new
more » ... ethod to identify the failed FJC is established. Though it can only identify FJC failures when there are signs of corrosion on pipe body, it is much more efficient and cost-saving. The concluded identification rule still needs more validations and improvements to be more applicable and accuracy.
doi:10.3390/coatings8030086 fatcat:sfvff2pdbfaidi5e62theaumci