Qos-Based Web Service Discovery And Selection Using Machine Learning

Sarathkumar Rangarajan
2018 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems  
In service computing, the same target functions can be achieved by multiple Web services from different providers. Due to the functional similarities, the client needs to consider the non-functional criteria. However, Quality of Service provided by the developer suffers from scarcity and lack of reliability. In addition, the reputation of the service providers is an important factor, especially those with little experience, to select a service. Most of the previous studies were focused on the
more » ... er's feedbacks for justifying the selection. Unfortunately, not all the users provide the feedback unless they had extremely good or bad experience with the service. In this vision paper, we propose a novel architecture for the web service discovery and selection. The core component is a machine learning based methodology to predict the QoS properties using source code metrics. The credibility value and previous usage count are used to determine the reputation of the service.
doi:10.4108/eai.29-5-2018.154809 fatcat:bhcn7yjt5ze6zg3osd2f2lioau