Clusters as surrogate for explicit short-range correlations in relativistic mean-field models

Stefan Typel
2020 The European Physical Journal Special Topics  
AbstractThe formation of clusters at sub-saturation densities in nuclear matter can be seen as a result of many-body correlations. Various theoretical models have been developed to take this effect into account, mostly on a phenomenological level using energy density functionals. These models are constructed in such a way that clusters appear solely in dilute matter and dissolve when the density approaches the nuclear saturation density. At higher densities only nucleons survive as
more » ... es and no explicit correlations between the constituents of nuclear matter are considered. The possible description of correlations with cluster degrees of freedom at supra-saturation densities is explored using the example of a quasi-deuteron in a generalized relativistic density functional. The required change in the density dependence of the cluster mass shift, responsible for describing the cluster dissolution in the present model, is derived for nuclear matter at zero temperature.
doi:10.1140/epjst/e2020-000060-6 fatcat:5tkrvsyoazhvpofzlhcmiyy33a