Background of Odisha Literature Press and Journals

Dr. Raja Kumar Naik
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: The first such association was the mutual improvement society founded in 1859. Some other Prominent association of Cuttack were the Utkal Bhasa Uddipani Sabha, Cuttack club, Cuttack Reading Club and Orissa Graduate Association with Madhusudan Das as its Presidents. Similar associations were formed on other parts of Orissa like national society of Balasore & Hitobodhini Sabha of Ganjam. These associations provided a good platform to discuss their problem & made the people conscious of
more » ... heir land and language. Keywords: Mutual improvement, Hitobodhini Sabha, Utkal Bhasa Uddipani Sabha, Platform, Language
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.38435 fatcat:orbn54bv25gqhnzzs4xihplvni