Classification of Vegetation on the Nevada Test Site [report]

W. K. Ostler
2000 unpublished
X xi bursage, shadscale saltbush, green molly, four-wing saltbush, green rabbitbrush, rubber rabbitbrush, Mormon tea, Stansbury cliffrose, desert bitterbrush, basin big sagebrush, black sagebrush, fuzzy green rabbitbrush, granite prickly gilia, Utah Juniper, antelope bitterbrush, and singleleaf pinyon. All non-woody plant species encountered during the field surveys on the NTS were ranked according to relative dominance in all ELUs. The top five species in each of the three categories (forbs,
more » ... asses, and succulents) are discussed and distribution maps provided. Several appendices are presented that provide details of vegetation on the NTS, including lists of all species that have been recorded on the NTS and the vegetation alliances where they are commonly found, relative abundance and frequency values for species in vegetation alliances and associations, and species names and codes. xii Table 2-1 Plant associations recognized by Beatley on the NTS in 1976 MOJAVE DESERT REGION Bajadas 1. Lurrea-Ambrosia 2. Lurrea-Lycium-Grayia 3. Larrea-Atriplex Mountains 4. Mountain Arroyos 5. Arroyo Spring and Seepage Areas 6. Ash-Screwbean-Baccharis 7. Atriplex and Atriplex-Haplopappus 8. Mesquite (Prosopis) TRANSITION DESERT REGION 9. Coleogyne 10. Larrea-Grayia-Lycium 11. Grayia-Lycium 12. Lycium pallidum-Grayia 13. Lycium shockleyidtriplex Upper Bajada Lower Bajada (playas or valley bottoms) GREAT BASIN DESERT REGION Atriplex 14. Atriplex confertifolia 15. Atriplex-Kochia* 16. Atriplex-Ceratoides* 17. Atriplex-Sarcobatus* 18. Atriplex canescens*
doi:10.2172/781484 fatcat:lyq226wqrnamfp5d4hrmm72ph4