Comparison of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Long-Term Secondary Prevention for Patients with Ischemic Stroke: a Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis [report]

Jiali Li, Li Yu, Weifeng Jin, Xiaohong Li
2021 unpublished
INTRODUCTION Review question / Objective: Some research indicated that the cumulative long-term risk of stroke recurrence was 3.1% at thirty days,11.1% at a year and 26.4% at five year. Moreover, there will be higher risk of death or vascular events for patients who have ischemic stroke. Also, recently, traditional Chinese medicine has attracted more and more attention for its exact curative effect and low toxicity. In addition, TCM was multi-link, multi-target in pre thrombosis which can prevent the recurrence of ischemic stroke.
doi:10.37766/inplasy2021.5.0036 fatcat:5rssrufa3vfwbkl4devvs5hysu