Tapered fibers embedded in silica aerogel

Limin Xiao, Michael D. Grogan, Sergio G. Leon-Saval, Rhys Williams, Richard England, Willam J. Wadsworth, Tim A. Birks
2009 Optics Letters  
We have embedded thin tapered fibers (with diameters down to 1 �m) in silica aerogel with low loss. The aerogel is rigid but behaves refractively like air, protecting the taper without disturbing light propagation along it. This enables a new class of fiber devices exploiting volume evanescent interactions with the aerogel itself or with dopants or gases in the pores.
doi:10.1364/ol.34.002724 pmid:19756084 fatcat:ckm4mugvhvbdvgorqsgxvfcfta