Light of Life and Light of Heart : After Experiencing the Great East Japan Earthquake(Learning from the Great East Japan Earthquake : Lighting for the Elderly and People with Low Vision)

Masato Tomoe
2012 Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan  
in this ardcle . [v、 rote aboul our 飴nlily ' sexperiences in thc face し )f【he Illassi 、e ullprecedented disaster . about ouractions and our ] it ' e ill e 、 acuation shclters ・ lalso Inention 、 、 hat [think should be done in preparing and securing hghting nccds Ln dinセrent situatio ! 1s as we 且 1 as my thoughts on ho 、 1 【 o personall 》 help栢 ends in tsunami − hi【areas and my actual experiences in gi 、 ing relie 匚 Ikno " ' rhar L 、 e ha 、 e k)st so much inて ilis disas [ cr. bul i ビ、 、ecan learn
more » ... something from it as 匸hose 、、 h〔, ha 、 eiived through It , w 〔 ・ can 匸um it into a 1rul} nlea 【 1ingful experlencc . 1 , は じ め に
doi:10.2150/jieij.96.220 fatcat:lpseygf66beyzpj3a6zmtyln5m