The Linguistic Complexity of the English Learners' Writing

John Evar Strid
2016 US-China Education Review. A  
 Based on previous research suggests that programs which are more supportive of English learners' (ELs) native language help them better acquire academic language and skills and that additional cognitive development allows more linguistically complex writing, this research study examines compositions of three groups of 15 5th grade students, including one group of non-ELs and two groups of ELs enrolled in different types of programs for ELs in order to determine the linguistic complexity of
more » ... ir writing. The research found that ELs who were in a program more supportive of their home language wrote longer and more linguistically complex essays than those who were not and even showed signs of writing longer and more linguistically complex essays than non-ELs.
doi:10.17265/2161-623x/2016.03.001 fatcat:3xmcnhs7svb2ncpokkgro5z4qq