Experimental Constraints on the Light Elements in the Core

C. B. Agee
1998 Mineralogical magazine  
The effect of pressure on the partitioning of S, Si, and O between molten Fe-alloy and molten silicate was investigated up to 16 GPa at 2000~ in a Walker multi-anvil device. The starting composition was the Homestead L5 ordinary chondrite, the sample capsule was MgO, and oxygen fugacity was estimated to be at approximately 2 log units below the iron-wiJstite buffer. Chemical analyses were can'ied out with an electron microprobe. Figure 1 summarizes the pressure effect on defined by cAL Ds
more » ... where C~ J~ is the concentration in weight percent of S in Fe-alloy liquid and C sL is the concentration in weight percent of S in silicate liquid.
doi:10.1180/minmag.1998.62a.1.10 fatcat:egzaoepy5bd7lp4vqhjgtqtcui