Science and technology teacher candidates' opinions regarding alternative assessment

Ömer Engin Akbulut, Kübra Akbulut
2011 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
The aim of this study is to determine science and technology teacher candidates' opinions regarding alternative assessment. The case survey method was used and the sample consisted of 65 senior science and technology teacher candidates who are studying at the Karadeniz Technical University. Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of eight open-ended questions regarding two main topics -their opinions about assessment and alternative assessment. The data are summarized in eight
more » ... s, and their frequency and percentages were calculated. The findings of this study show that teacher candidates' information about alternative assessment is insufficient. Assessment courses in Faculties of Education must be given greater priority.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.330 fatcat:vvp5sxlvuzdqphiu5k75g3xsxq