Genetic Variations of Chicken TYR Gene and Associations with Feather Color of Korean Native Chicken (KNC)
한국 토종닭 모색 변이와 TYR 유전자형 간의 상관관계 분석

Jin Ae Choi, Jun-Heon Lee, Hyun-Jun Jang, Kyung-Tai Lee, Tae-Hun Kim, Hyun-Jeong Lee, Kang-Nyeong Heo, Chong-Dae Kim, Jae-Yong Han, Mi Na Park
2014 Korean Journal of Poultry Science  
Tyrosinase (TYR) gene is located on chromosome 1 in chicken and it is composed of five exons and four introns. TYR gene is described as a key enzyme in melanin biosynthesis. Most examples of complete albinism in chicken have been due to defects in the tyrosinase gene. The association of feather color and sequence polymorphism in the Tyrosinase (TYR) gene was investigated using Korean Native chicken H breed (H_PL), Korean Native chicken L/W breed(L/W_PL) and 'Woorimatdag' commercial chickens
more » ... rimatdag_CC). From L_PL and W_PL breed analyses, 4 synonymous SNPs (locus G33A, G116A, C217T and C247T) and 2 SNPs (G838A and G958A) were detected in 4th exon and 4th intron of TYR gene respectively. The genotype frequencies for 6 SNPs were compared between L_PL and W_PL and W_PL represented homozygous SNP types in all the analyzed SNP positions while L_PL displayed various SNP types. (
doi:10.5536/kjps.2014.41.1.7 fatcat:4ga5eyneqfflpg2jjtvmkknmbq