Cascade fragmentation: deviation from power law in primary radiation damage

A. E. Sand, D. R. Mason, A. De Backer, X. Yi, S. L. Dudarev, K. Nordlund
2017 Figshare  
The sizes of defect clusters, produced in materials by energetic ion or neutron impacts, are critically important input for models describing microstructural evolution of irradiated materials. We propose a model for the distribution of sizes of vacancy and self-interstitial defect clusters formed by high-energy impacts in tungsten, and provide new data from in situ ion irradiation experiments to validate the model. The model predicts the statistics of sub-cascade splitting and the resulting
more » ... ribution of primary defects extending over the entire range of cluster sizes, and is able to provide initial conditions for quantitative multi-scale simulations of microstructural evolution. IMPACT STATEMENT We present a model, parameterized for tungsten, for the distribution of defect sizes in primary radiation damage, as an essential step in multi-scale modelling of microstructural evolution in irradiated materials.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.5113900.v1 fatcat:jexbsk3wkbalrcs2ovibj7glae