Reviews and Notices of Books

1878 The Lancet  
great deal of valuable information in a small compass. The' Flugge. This is a very long article. The practicable concise epitome of facts relating to seeds and their cultimethods of analysis are believed, he says, to show with vation, embodied in the little pamphlet, raises it above the some approach to certainty the amount of solids, the amount level of a mere trade catalogue. To members of the proof organic matter, of nitric acid, of ammonia, of carbonic fession who devote their leisure hours
more » ... to amateur farming acid, of the earths and alkalies, of sulphuric and phosphoric or gardening, this little book would be found useful anct adds and of chlorine in any specimen of water; and in addi-instructive.
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)43304-1 fatcat:o6ix5tsjzfegthdsguk443igiq