Comparison of Binding and Interaction Studies of Metal Ions/Surfactant with Protein by Various Physical Methods

Shveta Acharya, Arun Kumar Sharma
2020 Nature Environment and Pollution Technology  
The metal ions play a vital role in a large number of widely differing biological processes. Some of these processes are quite specific in their metal ion requirements. In that only certain metal ions, in specific oxidation states, can fulfil the necessary catalytic or structural requirement, while other processes are much less specific. In this paper, the interactions between triethanolamine, lauryl sulphate and albumin molecules have been reported. The pH and diffusion current measurements on
more » ... the binding of copper and mercury ions with albumin have been discussed. The effect of physico-chemical factors on the interaction between divalent metal ions and albumin has been carried out. Physico-chemical studies on the binding of Hg(II) and Cu (II) with albumin have been discussed. Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech. Website:
doi:10.46488/nept.2020.v19i02.013 fatcat:omlbokmtbjfzfkqpx6ysrrrkyu