Introduction of AI Assistant platform Clova and its skill development case
AI アシスタントプラットフォームClova とそのスキル開発事例の紹介

Shimpei YOTSUKURA, Toshinori SATO, Masahiko HIGASHIYAMA, Taiichi HASHIMOTO
JSAI Technical Report, SIG-SLUD  
An AI Assistant should be capable of operating natural actions based on human voice and emotions in an intuitive way. That requirement can be satisfied via VoiceUI, whose implementation requires a broad range of technologies such as natural language processing, speech recognition, speech synthesis, image processing and search. This paper introduces Clova, the AI Assistant platform developed at LINE. Clova platform enables various development of new AI Assistant functions to fulfill users'
more » ... ts in natural language such as voice and text, inputted from many forms of hardware devices. In addition, we also introduce improvement of LINE MUSIC playback function as a skill development example.
doi:10.11517/jsaislud.84.0_14 fatcat:elhr7f4bhvauvnhj6y6vftovjm