A preface for the feature "The current status of and perspectives of the conservation and management of bears in Japan, 2012–2013"

Chinatsu Kozakai, Mami Kondo, Isao Arimoto, Tetsuji Ito, Yusuke Goto, Seigo Sawada, Rumiko Nakashita, Sachiko Nakamura, Tsutomu Mano
2015 Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science)  
Special Report "The current status of and perspectives of the conservation and management of bears in Japan, 2012-2013" A preface for the feature "The current status of and perspectives of the conservation and management of bears in Japan
doi:10.11238/mammalianscience.55.215 fatcat:3xcfgl5pibdyhi2k4gz4doe5yu