Biosensing of Circulating Apoptotic Endothelial Cell Micro particles: The Impact in Risk Stratification of Obesity

Alexander E Berezin
2017 Journal of Applied Biotechnology & Bioengineering  
Obesity is considered a main factor mediating a risk of diabetes mellitus development and a predictor of CV disease and events. Contemporary criteria of Adult Treatment Panel-III allow determining subjects with established obesity and various metabolic abnormalities, i.e. increased fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance dyslipidemia and insulin resistance (IR), are referred metabolically unhealthy obesity (Met-UHO), whereas individuals without these findings could be defined as those who
more » ... ve metabolically healthy obesity (Met-HO). The mechanisms underlying the change in phenotype from Met-HO to Met-UHO are yet not understood. It has been postulated that apoptotic endothelial cell-derived micro particles (EMPs) could be a trigger of endothelial cell dysfunction and as well as a mediator on vascular repair. Moreover, the imbalance in circulating number of various type of EMPs may influence the risk of transformation of Met-HO into Met-UHO. The short communication is depicted the role of apoptotic EMPs in obesity phenotype modification. Citation: Berezin AE. Biosensing of circulating apoptotic endothelial cell micro particles: the impact in risk stratification of obesity.
doi:10.15406/jabb.2017.02.00026 fatcat:tflx7as4nnhurhxign4dwlkisa