Performance Investigation of a Mobile Terminal Phased Array With User Effects at 3.5 GHz for LTE Advanced

Igor Syrytsin, Shuai Zhang, Gert Frlund Pedersen
2017 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters  
This letter discusses the performance investigation of a beam-steerable antenna system at 3.5 GHz with user effects. To show how to investigate the performance of such a system, an antenna array system in a metal frame structure is used as one example. The antenna system includes four phased subarrays. Each subarray consists of two slot antenna elements. In the application, it is possible to control the beam by phase in each subarray and switch the main beam direction among the four phased
more » ... rays, depending on the incoming power and interference directions. The main idea in this letter is to evaluate the performance of the phased array system by using the metrics of total scan pattern and coverage efficiency with CTIA standards. The proposed antenna system is simulated and measured in free space and with user effects. Losses in both scan angles and coverage efficiency due to the user effects are also given and discussed in this letter. Index Terms-LTE advanced, mobile terminal antenna, phased array, user effect.
doi:10.1109/lawp.2016.2570418 fatcat:o6kpztal2jdi5dsie5oux2xf4i