An information architecture for physiological models, clients and databases

C.F. Dewey, B. Fu, S. Zhang, N. Dao, W. Chuang, Z. Li
2001 Conference Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  
The comprehensiveness and complexity of physiological models will increase dramatically during the next decade. Advances in computer power, biological pathway information, information on molecular mechanisms, and new genetic data are all driving factors for these changes. This paper proposes an information system to support complex physiological information models. The system architecture requires three essential parts: a networked Client that generates a request for information; a Computation
more » ... erver that performs the calculation; and a Model Database that provides detailed parameters to the Computation Server to facilitate solution. The Model Database is organized as an objectoriented hierarchy following the design used to store medical images and their metadata in accordance with the international DICOM standard for medical images [1]. A fourth critical component is also defined: a Case Database that archives the input data that has been used by the Client to define the case to be computed, and archives the output from the solution. This system is applied to a complex contemporary model of the electrophysiology of cardiac myocyte cells [the WIJ model; see [2] and [3]]. The resulting architecture has been demonstrated over the internet [ICMIT.MIT.EDU/myocyte_model.html].
doi:10.1109/iembs.2001.1020634 fatcat:joe6oiiabbehrjs2yvsqfmn55u