A Comparison of Learning Modes Using a Serial Reaction Time Task

2021 Rigakuryoho Kagaku  
This study investigated the differences in performance during the practice and retention phases of implicit and explicit learning, using sequence reaction time tasks. We also examined the effect of instruction on task performance. [Participants and Methods] Thirty-two participants (11 males and 21 females) were divided into implicit and explicit learning groups. The sequence reaction time task comprised 12 trials per block. Each group performed five blocks in the practice phase and two blocks
more » ... the retention phase. Furthermore, participants in the explicit learning group were given instructions about the fixed sequences in a trial before practice. [Results] The only significant difference between the two groups was in reaction times in the fixed sequence in the task. [Conclusion] The instruction in the sequence reaction time task effectively reduced the reaction time in fixed sequences, with no adverse effect on random sequences.
doi:10.1589/rika.36.837 fatcat:vs2wae6jo5hpljutua2jjxjrk4