Factors Determining the Consumers Behavior of Branded Milk and Milk Products in Tirupati City of Andhra Pradesh

Ch. Rama Devi, N. Sunanda, N. T. Krishna Kishore, G. Mohan Naidu
2022 Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension Economics & Sociology  
The study was conducted with an objective to is analyze the factors determining the consumers behavior of branded milk and milk products in Tirupati City of Andhra Pradesh during 2020-21. Tirupati city was purposively selected for the study being an important Tier-II city in Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh with metro population accounting to 3,73,000 in 2021 (census2011.co.in)Twelve wards were selected based on the criteria of highest population recorded during 2021 in descending order. 10
more » ... consumers were selected from each ward that constituteda sample size of 120 consumers. The factors determining the consumers behavior of branded milk and milk products was collected using a well-defined schedule through personal interview method during the year 2020-21. The empirical findings of the study revealed that Heritage is most preferred brand both in milk and milk products among the consumers. The statistical tools employed Principal Component Analysis (Analysis of data using SPSS software). The results of Principal Component Analysis inferred that the consumer behavior of branded milk and milk products was influenced by five factors namely Consumer preference factor (Family, Advertisement, Quality, Offers, Package Design, Hygiene in production and Fat content), Product attributes factor (Price, Flavor, brand Image) Perishable factor (Freshness, appearance), Referral factor (Friends and Relatives , Wide Product Range and Product Availability) and Convenience factor (Packs in suitable quantities and Texture).
doi:10.9734/ajaees/2022/v40i111796 fatcat:dbsdw424vzfdvgylubkj3je2cy