An Option for Good Outcome of Intracerebral Hematoma

2020 The Medical journal of Cairo University  
Intracerebral hematoma affects about 2.5 per 10,000 people each year. The incidence is more in males and older people. The mortality rate is about 44% in the first month. 20% of cases has a good outcome. Symptoms can include headache, one-sided weakness, vomiting, seizures, decreased level of consciousness, and neck stiffness. Often symptoms get worse over time. In many cases bleeding occurs in the brain tissue and the ventricles at the same time. Many procedures and techniques have been
more » ... ced for the management of intracerebral hematoma and debate always exist about the management of sizable intracerebral hematomas especially if the conscious level isn't markedly affected. Aim of Study: To evaluate the role of early evacuation of sizable intracerebral hematomas even if the conscious level isn't markedly deteriorated. Method: This is a retrospective study of 30 cases of intracerebral hematoma operated in Kasr El-Aini Hospitals and Bani Suef University Hospitals by evacuation assisted by microscope with a Glasgow Coma Scale more than 10 in most cases with a sizable intracerebral haemorrhage more than 30cc in the volume.
doi:10.21608/mjcu.2020.110945 fatcat:6yus4iriw5de7hkrceglpqn3m4