Location and Clinical Implications of High-Degree Atrioventricular Block During Dipyridamole Infusion: A Case Report

Mazen Alakhras, Duccio Baldari, Nabil El-Sherif, Gioia Turitto
2002 Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology  
We describe a patient with bifascicular block, who developed transient high-degree atrioventricular block during dipyridamole infusion. This patient was subsequently found to have significant His-Purkinje disease at electrophysiology study, and underwent permanent pacemaker implantation. Spontaneous atrioventricular block was documented during follow-up. This case report raises the issue of dipyridamole safety in patients with intraventricular conduction defects, and contributes an additional
more » ... chanism to the possible explanation of dipyridamole-induced atrioventricular block.
doi:10.1111/j.1542-474x.2002.tb00158.x pmid:12049688 fatcat:ewi5yjbjt5btzdrpe5qjdv3ulu