Learning to Understand Web Site Update Requests

William W. Cohen, Einat Minkov, Anthony Tomasic
2005 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
Although Natural Language Processing (NLP) for requests for information has been well-studied, there has been little prior work on understanding requests to update information. In this paper, we propose an intelligent system that can process natural language website update requests semi-automatically. In particular, this system can analyze requests, posted via email, to update the factual content of individual tuples in a databasebacked website. Users' messages are processed using a scheme
more » ... posing their requests into a sequence of entity recognition and text classification tasks. Using a corpus generated by human-subject experiments, we experimentally evaluate the performance of this system, as well as its robustness in handling request types not seen in training, or user-specific language styles not seen in training.
dblp:conf/ijcai/CohenMT05 fatcat:gvktdrsjpbgsvme45f2rajy54m