Visualization of basic probability assignment [post]

Hong Feng Long, Zhen Ming Peng, Yong Deng
2021 unpublished
Applying geometry to the analysis and interpretation of basic probability assignment(BPA) is a unique research direction in evidence theory. Though the geometric representation of BPA has been proposed, the visualization method of BPA is still lack of sufficient research. In this paper, we propose a new BPA visualization method based on the vector representation of the BPA to illustrate the image of BPA directly. The basic point and the uncertain vectors can be obtained by the given BPA
more » ... and then we connect these components to construct the image of BPA. Through the image of BPA, we can effectively analyze the interaction effect of focal elements in BPA, and observe the potential characteristics of BPA directly. Meanwhile, the geometric meanings of parameters in the vector representation of the BPA can be explained. Finally, the advantages and applications have been studied and discussed.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:ytuobbgxcffwbatvmuvwun2za4