Some Aspects of the Growth Features and Condition Factor of Arius Gigas (Boulenger, 1911) from Obuama Creek (Rivers State, Nigeria)

Olaniyi Alaba Olopade, Henry Eyina Dienye, Esther Ifeyinwa Nwosu
2021 Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research  
Length-frequency distributions, length-weight relationships, length-length relationships and condition factors (Fulton's KF, allometric KA, and relative KR) of Arius gigas in the Obuama Creek in Rivers State, Nigeria were investigated. 217 samples were collected from artisanal fishermen fishing on the Obuama Creek from March to September 2019. The parameter b of the length-weight relationship was 2.52 indicating negative allometric growth. The KF ranged from 0.51 to 2.03 with a mean value of
more » ... 5 ± 0 while the overall low values of KR and KA, in this study are generally a characteristic of fish in poor health. This study provides basic information on some of the biological features of A. gigas which should be useful for facilitating management strategies and regulations of the stocks.
doi:10.2478/trser-2021-0015 fatcat:2o3p5eyc5vb7rpeorngk5gobsy