Vladimir Petković, National Museum of Leskovac, Serbia
2022 Leskovački zbornik  
The paper's theme is related to the native history and the institution which marked the period between the two World Wars, and also is connected to the weekly newspaper known as "Leskovački glasnik" that influenced the social conditions. The recordings of the activities organized by the National University are written in various newspaper articles in "Leskovački glasnik" which became the great importance in cultural sense. The articles from "Leskovački glasnik" are used as the primary source of
more » ... information while writing this paper. The museum collection of Sergije Dimitrijević contains the majority of numbers of the newspaper "Leskovački glasnik", from 1931 to 1941, with the exception of the year 1934.
doi:10.46793/lz-lxii.171p fatcat:m6v4momqsrhhbldc54ppvjsih4