Experimental investigation of chimney-enhanced natural convection in hexagonal honeycombs

Xiaohu Yang, Jiaxi Bai, Tianjian Lu, Tongbeum Kim
2014 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters  
The natural convective heat transfer performance of an aluminum hexagonal honeycomb acting as a novel heat sink for LED cooling is experimentally investigated. The concept of adding an adiabatic square chimney extension for heat transfer enhancement is proposed, and the effects of chimney shape, height, and diameter are quantified. The average Nu av of a heated honeycomb with straight chimney is significantly higher than that without chimney, and the enhancement increases with increasing
more » ... height. At a given chimney height, honeycombs with divergent chimneys perform better than those with convergent ones. For a fixed divergent angle, the Nu av number increases monotonically with increasing chimney height. In contrast, with the convergent angle fixed, there exists an optimal chimney height to achieve maximum heat transfer.
doi:10.1063/2.1403205 fatcat:dqbm4dwblvdnxo6674pgu5qzem