Contents, Vol. 49, 1991

1991 Digestion  
A Double-Blind Trial of a Celandin, Aloevera and Psyllium Laxative Preparation in Adult Patients with Constipation Odes, H.S.; Madar, Z 65 Prolonged (24-Hour) Manometric Recording of Rectal Contractile Activity in Patients with Slow Transit Constipation Bassotti, G.; Betti, C; Pelli, M.A.; Morelli, A 72 Management of Disseminated Midgut Carcinoid Tumors Ahlman, H.; Wängberg, B.; Jansson, S.; Stenqvist, O.; Geterud, K.; Tylén, U.; Caidahl, K.; Scherstén, T.; Tisell, L.E 78 Role of
more » ... , Gastrin and Gastrin-Releasing Peptide in the Regulation of Pan creatic Secretion in Cats Konturek, S.J.; Bilski, J.; Hladij, M.; Krzyzek, E.; Cai, R.-Z.; Schally, A.V 97 Immunopathological and Immunochemical Analysis of Autoimmune Enterocolitis in Mice Després, N.; Nemirovsky, M.S 106 Small Bowel Bacterial Overgrowth in Strongyloidiasis Sipahi, A.M.; Damião, A.O.M.C; Simionato, C.S.; Bonini, N.; Santos, M.A.A.; Moraes-Filho, J.P.P. de; Laudanna, A.A.; Bettarello, A 120 No. 3 Original Paper Detection of Antibody to Calmodulin in Chronic Viral Hepatitis: Lack of Correlation with Virus Replication and Hepatocellular Damage Díez, A.; Quiroga, J.A.; Melero, M.; Moraleda, G.; Castillo, I.; Porres, J.C; Carreño, V. 125 Gastric Electrical Dysrhythmia following Cholecystectomy in Humans Pezzolla, F.; Riezzo, G.; Maselli, M.A.; Giorgio, 1 134 IV Contents Intragastric pH in the Gastroprotective and Ulcer-Healing Activity of Aluminum-Contain ing Antacids Konturek, S.J.; Brzozowski, T.; Garlicki, J.; Majka, J.; Stachura, J.; Nauert, C 140 Increased Iron Absorption in Uroporphyrin-Treated Rats Weaver, G.A.; Franck, C.A.; Harris, M.D.; Peters, T., Jr 151 Effects of Cisapride on the Esophageal Motor Function of Patients with Progressive Sys temic Sclerosis or Mixed Connective Tissue Disease Limburg, A.J.; Smit, A.J.; Kleibeuker, J.H 156
doi:10.1159/000200719 fatcat:db5t5bovjrawnneftanzqq2wdy